The Mission of FECE derives from the fundamental mission of the University of Prishtina (Article 6 of the Statute of the University of Prishtina, states the mission of the University as an autonomous public institution of higher education, which advances the academic education, scientific research, artistic creations, professional consultancy and other fields of academic activities). Based on this, the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering has defined its mission in educating the youth in the fields of Electric and Computer Engineering, at all levels of higher education, with the aim of preparing them for the demands of the labour market in the country and beyond, and for the continuous education in this highly dynamic field, and also to contribute directly to the sustainable technological, social and scientific development of Kosovo.
FECE as one of the academic units of UP is committed to the integration in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) as well as the European Research Area (ERA). This commitment and strategic orientation has been stated in many approved documents related to higher education at a national level, university level, as well as at the faculty level (Law on Higher Education, Statute of UP, Regulation for Bachelor, Master, Doctoral studies at UP etc.).
- Mirënjohje nga Fakultetin e Inxhinierisë Elektrike dhe Kompjuterike për Gjeneral Major Timothy E. Orr, nga Garda Kombëtare e Iowa-s, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
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- Prezantimi i Raporti të punës dhe i përmbushjes së detyrave të dekanit Prof. Dr. Isak Shabani për periudhën katër vjeçare 1 tetor 2020 – 30 shtator 2024
- Raportet vlerësuese për konkursin për bashkëpunëtor të jashtëm FIEK 2024/25