Doctoral Program
General description
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering is in the process of accreditation of the doctoral program in the field of “Electrical and Computer Engineering”. We expect to receive the final decision from Kosovo Accreditation Agency by the mid of year 2023.
Relevant documents
- PhD student guidebook (Click here to view)
- Regulation for the doctoral studies at the University of Prishtina (Click here to view)
- Regulation for financial support of scientific, artistic and sports work in the University of Prishtina (Click here to view)
List of PhD graduates in the last accredited study program
- Hëna Maloku (See profile here) (Doctoral Thesis)
- Eliot Bytyqi (See profile here) (Doctoral Thesis)
- Kadri Kadriu (See profile here) (Doctoral Thesis)
- Vehbi Neziri (See profile here) (Doctoral Thesis)
- Ramadan Dervishi (See profile here) (Doctoral Thesis)
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