Student scientific work
The PhD and master students of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, in co-authorship with their faculty supervisors, publish the scientific findings, both in peer reviewed journals and scientific conferences. For more details, see below the Google Scholar profile of some current and former students.
Current PhD students:
- PhD. Can. Vehbi Neziri [view Google Scholar profile]
- PhD. Can. Ramadan Dervishi [view Google Scholar profile]
- PhD. Can. Kadri Kadriu [view Google Scholar profile]
The profile of some of the former master students:
- Dr. techn. Fjolla Ademaj [view Google Scholar profile]
- Dr. techn. Taulant Berisha [view Google Scholar profile]
- PhD. Can. Rreze Halili [view Google Scholar profile]
- PhD. Can. Ilir Murturi [view Google Scholar profile]
- PhD. Can. Njomza Ibrahimi [view Google Scholar profile]
- PhD. Can. Betim Maloku [view Google Scholar profile]
- PhD. Can. Jeta Dobruna [view Google Scholar profile]
- PhD. Can. Korab Rrmoku [view Google Scholar profile]
- PhD. Can. Besmir Sejdiu [view Google Scholar profile]
- Msc. Fatos Halilaj [view Google Scholar profile]
- Msc. Petrit Rama [view Google Scholar profile]
- Msc. Blend Arifaj [view Google Scholar profile]
- Msc. Edon Gashi [view Google Scholar profile]
- Msc. Adrian Ymeri [view Google Scholar profile]
- Msc. Agon Qurdina [view Google Scholar profile]
- Msc. Doruntinë Berisha [view Google Scholar profile]
- Msc. Dren Imeraj [view Google Scholar profile]
- Msc. Gentian Bytyqi [view Google Scholar profile]
- Msc. Dardan Shabani [view Google Scholar profile]
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