FECE's vision is oriented towards the national and international model of a contemporary and innovative faculty with integrated teaching, whereby practice complements theory and professional skills and research skills are developed for the benefit of society. This is achieved by providing quality education to prepare qualified professionals, but also dedicated, well-educated and socially responsible researchers who will contribute to the overall progress of society in general, and academia in particular. Ultimately this will provide our staff and students with an inspiring environment that will improve teamwork opportunities, by fostering initiatives and academic programs that attract and retain Kosovo's best students and teaching staff. FECE develops and communicates the vision of UP for excellence in teaching by building a reputation for leadership in academic education and research and promoting academic programs that maximize the contributions of UP in the economic development of Kosovo.
- Dekani i FIEK-ut Prof. dr. Isak Shabani, po qëndron në kampusin e Universitetit të Iowa-s në SHBA
- The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies and Smart Technologies (REST-24)
- Mirënjohje nga Fakultetin e Inxhinierisë Elektrike dhe Kompjuterike për Gjeneral Major Timothy E. Orr, nga Garda Kombëtare e Iowa-s, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
- Energji e pastër në Fakultetet Teknike të UP-së! 🌱