o Name of the project: Developing Research and InnoVation CapacitiEs in Albania and Kosovo/
o Responsible person: Prof. Asoc. Dr. Mimoza Ibrani, coordinator for the University of Prishtina
o Web page:
About the Project
The project aims at developing the capacities of HEIs in Albania and Kosovo, both countries pertaining to region.
1 – Western Balkans, to improve their research and innovation performance.
Besides the traditional training activities such as workshops and study visits, the project foresees establishing new structures in 4 HEIs that will focus research and innovation adopting an inter-disciplinary approach and eventually a close cooperation with partners from businesses and industry in line with the quadruple helix goals.
Additionally the openness of HEIs towards other partners, local and international, will be further enhanced through the development of a network, supported also by a virtual platform that will ease the interaction and synergy among the members.
Dedicated offices for research and innovation or networks for such purpose may be long due and not something new to developed countries, but for this region and for these two countries in specific, characterized by a low trust environment and a highly fragmented eco-system where cooperation, coordination and synergies are scarce, the deliverables of the project constitute a novelty.
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