Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (hereinafter FECE) was established on 20 October 1961, building on the foundation of the Technical High School, which at the time operated in Pristina as a professional institution offering study programs in Civil, Electro-technical and Mechanical Engineering. In 1965, the Executive Council of Kosovo adopted the Law on the Establishment of the Technical Faculty, initially consisting only of the Civil Engineering Section. The Faculty began its activities on December 9th 1965. The sections of Electro-technical and Mechanical Engineering were established on October 30th 1967; while teaching in these sections started in the academic year 1967/68. The Electrotechnical Computational Centre was established in 1970 at the Technical Faculty in Pristina. The Electrotechnical Section was composed of two departments: the department of Power Systems and the department of Electronics with Telecommunications. During the academic year 1967/68 in the section of Electrotechnical Engineering of the Technical Faculty, for the first time, 47 students attended their studies in Albanian. In 1988, the Technical Faculty was separated into three faculties: Faculty of Electro-technics, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In term of numbers, 635 students graduated from the Electrotechnical Section of the Technical Faculty during the period between 24.10.1972 and 24.12.1987. More than 1700 students graduated and received title of Bachelor of Science from the Faculty of Electrotechnics during the period 01.1.1988 - 15.06.2019, while more than 300 students have graduated from the Master of Science programs and another 40 or more students have completed a Magisterium of Science degree and the PhD program. In 2001, the Senate of the University of Prishtina approved the new study programs based on the Bologna Declaration for bachelor level studies. That same year, the Faculty’s name was changed to Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FECE). On October 20, 2020 FECE celebrated the 59th anniversary of its establishment; 59 years of work spanning many successes as well as challenges. There are around 2200 students currently enrolled in FECE’s Bachelor programmes and another 210 in its Master programmes. FECE counts among its personnel, 33 full time academic staff, 24 part-time academic staff, and 5 retired professors while there are 13 administrative employees.
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