- To provide academic leadership in the relevant fields for the development of teaching, scientific and artistic work in the faculty.
- To ensure the efficient, economical and effective use of funds allocated to the faculty by the Governing Council.
- To undertake all the necessary measures in the implementation of the decisions and tasks determined by the Faculty Council.
- To provide sufficient information regarding the use of tools and results in teaching, scientific research and artistic creativity for the rector and the Governing Council according to the provisions of this Statute.
- To represent the Faculty Council in the University Senate.
- To give advice to the rector and the Senate on the appointment of academic staff in the faculty's subjects.
- To propose candidates for vice-dean.
- To perform the other duties of the dean that are foreseen in Statute.
- May represent the University in legal matters on behalf of the faculty only with the authorization of the Governing Council provided by regulation or otherwise.
- Defines the duties of the vice dean.
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