Annual research seminar
Short description: The goal of the yearly research seminar is to contribute to internationalization of research and study programs that are implemented within the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Furthermore, the research seminar has the objective of building bridges between the faculty at hand with prestigious universities around the world, which is a national objective in terms of supporting study programs and research in the fields of electrical and computer engineering, as fields of excessive importance for future development of the country. Usually, the talks of the seminar agenda include distinguished professor and researchers, which are members of Albanian diaspora that work and live-in countries like Japan, Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, Norway, Austria, Belgium, etc. In general, the presentations are of research topics such as: telecommunication, power and energy engineering, electronics, automatics, robotics, communication and information technology, and computer and software engineering.
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- Mirënjohje nga Fakultetin e Inxhinierisë Elektrike dhe Kompjuterike për Gjeneral Major Timothy E. Orr, nga Garda Kombëtare e Iowa-s, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
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