Programme: Capacity Building KA2 Erasmus+ project
Action: Capacity Building in Higher Education
Project reference number: 598587-EPP-1-2018-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Project title: “Innovative Teaching Education in Mathematics”
Project acronym: iTEM
Duration: 3 years (15/11/2018 – 14/11/2021)
Responsible person: Prof. Asoc. Dr. Isak Shabani, coordinator for the University of Prishtina
The aim of the project is to support the modernization, accessibility, internationalization of the Higher Education Field and to contribute to the cooperation between the EU and the eligible Partner Countries.
The majority of students do not seem like studying Mathematics. They do not appreciate the importance and the role of Mathematics in solving real-life problems and applications. They think that only gifted and very talented students can understand and apply Mathematics. Calculus I and Linear Algebra are the backbone modules of 1st-year studies in any STEM degree. These modules are blamed for being a leading cause for student’s failure to meet the requirements of first-year Academic studies and ultimately to graduate. Some students even abandon their studies because of their poor achievements in Mathematics. Teaching Mathematics nowadays in Europe and beyond Europe seems to fail to link Mathematics with real – life and technology challenges.
The iTEM project envisions to help undergraduate students to realise the impact of mathematics on their studies and professional carrier success independently of scientific discipline. The project main outcomes include (a) the integration real-life problems into Calculus I and Linear Algebra I to show the application of Mathematics in today’s technology; (b) the development of CAS, the incorporation of mobile tools & visualisations along teaching Mathematics; (c) the development of software that allows teachers to early identify student’s that face problem in learning Mathematics and so provide assistance to overcome these challenges; (d) the development of teaching and learning manuals for more effective teaching & learning Mathematics; (e) the training of teacher’s in the most modern & efficient teaching techniques like the Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Project Oriented Based Learning (POPBL) along Mathematics teaching
Improve the quality of higher education and enhance its relevance for the labor market and society
Improve the level of competences and skills in HEIs by developing new and innovative education programs
Developing simulations related to main Math concepts and how to use ICT tools along teaching & learning Mathematics
Organizing Intensive Courses (ICs) in how to teach mathematics & exploit ICT tools
Integrate new teaching methods e.g. PBL and linking real life problems with Mathematics Teaching
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