o Name of the project: Accelerating Western Balkans University Modernization by Incorporating Virtual Technologies / VTech@U
o Responsible person: Prof. Asoc. Dr. Mimoza Ibrani, coordinator for the University of Prishtina
o Web page: https://vtech-project.eu/
What is VTECH?
VTECH is an Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education project led by the Aleksander Moisiu University of Durrës, Albania. The consortium has 11 partners out of which 6 are HEIs form Albania and Kosovo, and 5 partners HEIs from program countries namely Estonia, Poland, Slovenia and the Republic of North Macedonia. The project is envisaged to last for 3 years.
VTECH project’s general aim is to introduce for the first time at Western Balkan universities the concept of Virtual Technologies as a tool for accelerating university modernization, while contributing on developing knowledge-driven society.
By incorporating Virtual Technology in the academic culture of universities, this project aims at increasing the quality and level of efficiency in teaching and knowledge retention through interactive learning methods, thus contributing on skills enhancement and further building of digital society at Western Balkans countries.
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