Research labs
List of research labs:
- Research lab (set up within the framework of Erasmus+ project entitled INTERBA)
- Research lab (set up within the framework of Erasmus+ project entitled DRIVE)
- Research lab (set up within the framework of Erasmus+ project entitled VTECH)
- Big Data & High-Performance Computing Lab (Room 706)
- Laboratory for monitoring quality of surface water (developed as part of EU funded project entitled InWaterSense)
- Laboratory of National Research School in ICT (set up within the framework of Erasmus+ project DI-PhDICTKES)
- Research laboratory for Internet of Things and 5G networks
- Laboratory of applied electromagnetics
- Advanced laboratory for computer networks and wireless communication – SDR
- Laboratory for transmission and distribution in the field of Power Systems
- Laboratory of electronics for prototype development
- Laboratory of Robotics (Speech, Vision, Robot Manipulators and Mobile Robots) and for dedicated computers
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